Chi Delta Omega Chapter began in the year 2000 when twelve Alpha Kappa Alpha women in Palm Coast, Florida, formed the Rose Petals an interest group. After consulting South Atlantic Regional Director Sonja Garcia, the group elected officers, developed a budget, established bylaws, and devised service projects that would exemplify Alpha Kappa Alpha’s mission of “service to all mankind”.
The Rose Petals’ officers were Ruby Polley, President; Myra Middleton, Vice-President; Sara Rushin, Secretary; Joyce Freeman, Treasurer; Jacquelyn Faison, Service Project Coordinator; Doris Sheppard, Public Relations Coordinator; Jessie Simpkson, Hospitality Chairperson; and Louella Haynes, Bylaws Development Chairperson. The Rose Petals continued the search for additional Alpha Kappa Alpha women residing in Flagler, St. Johns, and Putnam counties in Florida, and grew to twenty-one members.
A tutorial program at the Carver Gym in nearby Bunnell, Florida, was the Rose Petals’ first service project. Youth in all grade levels were tutored once a week, served snacks, and given school supplies. That project developed into a relationship with the Boys and Girls Club housed at the Carver Gym. From that beginning, the “Little Miss Society” was formed through which young girls were tutored and mentored. The service activities with these youth assisted in expanding related projects in local nursing homes.
On June 11, 2001, South Atlantic Regional Director Sonja Garcia made an onsite visit. She was very impressed with the Rose Petals’ organizational skills and potential as well as the group’s community service projects. She recommended the group’s establishment as a chapter. In February 2002 the National Directorate approved the recommendation.
On July 3, 2002, at the Chartering Ceremony at the Halifax Plantation Golf Club, the Rose Petals became Chi Delta Omega Chapter with National President Dr. Norma S. White and South Atlantic Regional Director Sonja Garcia officiating.
The twenty-one charter members are Doris Bryant, Vivian Cottman, Shelia Crawford, Jacquelyn Faison, Joyce Freeman, Louella Haynes, Robbie Johnson, Muriel McCoy, Joyce McLeod, Myra Middleton, D’Arcy Miller, Valorie Montgomery, Ernestine Phillips, Brenda Pinkelton, Ruby Polley, Sara Rushin, Doris Sheppard, Jessie Simpkson, Dothea Smith, Evelyn Wallace, Janet Wilkes.
Former Presidents
Former Members of the Year
- Hazel Lockett, 2019 – 2022
- Theresa Dover-Waters, 2015 – 2018
- Sue M Fray, 2011 – 2014
- Jacquelyn E. Faison, 2007 – 2010
- Myra Middleton-Valentine, 2003 – 2006
- Ruby Polley, 2002
- Jacqueline Williams, 2022
- Andrea Dukes, 2021
- Carol Love-Coffie, 2020
- Phyllis Pearson, 2019
- Kowanna Johnson, 2018
- Gwendolyn Dunn-Carroll
- Cassandra Stephenson
- Olivia Bereal, 2015
- Marva Jones, 2014
- Cezanne Spratling, 2013
- Hazel Lockett, 2012
- Barbara Cox, 2011
- Robbie Johnson, 2010
- Myra Middleton-Valentine, 2009
- Geraldine Dillon, 2008
- Sue M. Fray, 2007
- Shirley Jones, 2006
- Jacquelyn E. Faison, 2005
- Joyce C. Freeman